
Name - Tanay Mondal

Occupation or Profession - Fitness Coach

Start Weight ~ 75 kg

End Weight ~ 65 kg

Weight Lost ~ 10 kgs

Inches Lost ~ 3-4 inches

Body Fat Achieved ~ 12%

Diet ~ Non-veg

Alan Baptist
Coach : Alan Baptist
Vinit Baptist
Coach : Vinit Baptist
How Tanay Got Shredded Down To 12% Body Fat

9 February 2022

As fitness is an extremely diverse sphere, goals vary from person to person. We’re proud to say that our team comprises the top fitness coach and nutritionists in the industry who provide diligent support and custom plans for all clients, no matter what their goals.

Let’s read about one of our clients, Tanay, who built an enviable physique through our guided bodybuilding programs and can give any fitness model a run for their money.

About Tanay
Tanay had always been interested in fitness and had been training in the gym even before he approached us for his consultation. What drove him towards seeking our guidance was a fitness transformation challenge that he wished to take part in. Tanay’s goal was to take his fitness game to the next level and completely transform his appearance.

We noticed right away that Tanay had a lot of muscle mass and built our plan accordingly. So, in Tanay’s case, our focus was on chiseling his body and making sure he had a physique that would make heads turn. We achieved this through a custom bodybuilding hypertrophy plan that comprised both workouts and nutrition plans.
Fitness Workouts
In a hypertrophy plan, the emphasis is on the aesthetic itself and not necessarily on building strength and endurance. This type of exercise mostly has simple movements with lighter weights.

Along with the workout plan, we straightaway put him in a huge calorie deficit to lose fat. After consistently following the hypertrophy plan and remaining in a calorie deficit, Tanay’s abs became prominently visible, and he was finally ready for a professional shoot.

However, as Tanay’s wish was to take part in a professional transformation challenge, we had to take things a step further. A week before his shoot, we put him on something referred to as a water cut.
Water Cut
Water cut is a special diet that is mostly used by professional bodybuilding athletes before events such as competitions or photoshoots. We adopted a water cut strategy for a week before Tanay’s transformation photoshoot day.

In a water cut plan, we make the athlete drink a lot of water for a specified number of days. The amount may vary from 6 to 10 litres of water daily. During this period, the body gets used to flushing out a large volume of water. This is followed by one day of drastically low levels of water intake (around 100-200 ml) and carbohydrate-loading. Finally, on the day of the actual photoshoot, the athlete does not eat or drink any water before the shoot. The dehydration due to the water cut strategy makes the muscles and veins look well defined.

It is important to remember that a water cut is only suitable for short runs and should be performed under professional supervision. We carefully monitored Tanay during this stage to ensure he was properly following the plan created for him and to intervene if any complications arose. Thankfully, things went smoothly because of efficient communication on both ends, and Tanay’s shoot went splendidly.

Client Testimonial
Let’s see what Tanay had to say about his experience-

“I began training with Let's be Fit when I wanted to transform the way I looked. Fitness and workouts have always fascinated me. But when I decided to up my game, that is when things really came around.

The major push behind all of it was a transformation challenge I became a part of. It is when I had this specific goal in mind that started working meticulously towards it and reached out to the team of Let's be Fit.

I lost about 10 kgs of weight and about 10 percent of body weight. Apart from feeling physically more active and being able to achieve the body specific goals that I set out to achieve, training with Let's Be Fit motivated me to become more disciplined in my lifestyle. I now know what and how to do to live a healthier lifestyle than I did before I began!

One thing that I particularly admire in the team is the amount of personal attention they give to their customers! Every piece of information exchanged with me was thoroughly backed by scientific reasoning. Apart from that, they were always ready to do customizations in my fitness and nutrition charts according to my own needs. I am extremely satisfied with my decision to transform myself with their help.”
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